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Meet the 3 of Cups

Updated: Sep 15, 2020

Ex slave Peter Biggs was in Los Angeles in 1847 - sources list him as Los Angeles first African American pioneer. Mr Biggs name is mentioned in many early Los Angeles history writings from 1847 through 1852. In Los Angeles, he was a business man, a husband and father. He opened LA’s first barber shop, and had numerous entrepreneurial ventures on the side.

We are excited to accept PRE-ORDERS for the full, 78 card California Tarot - Shadows & Light tarot card deck

It will include an 84 page booklet and be packaged in a two-piece hard box. If you have the 22 card Major Journey deck, DM us for a coupon code worth a $35 discount! The full deck is planned to ship in Summer 2021, and we will be sending out a monthly newsletter to keep you updated!

California Tarot - Shadows and Light

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